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1. Teaching aims

1) Knowledge aims

Students will master the pronunciation of…

Students understand the meaning of…

Students understand the basic rule of …grammar.

2) Ability aims

Students will be able to use the grammar correctly.

Students can improve their listening/reading/speaking/writing skills.

3) Emotional aims

Students will be interested in learning English.

Students will learn from…

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2. Teaching key and difficult points

(1)Key points

Help students to master…

(2)Difficult points

Guide students to use…

3. Teaching and learning methods

Task-based language teaching method (TBLT); Cooperative learning method; independent learning method

4. Teaching Procedures

(1) 3P模式

Step 1: Lead in

Teacher shows a video of… on the PowerPoint.

Teacher guides students to review the knowledge…

Step 2: Presentation

1) Students read/listen to…, and tell the main idea of…

2) Teacher guides students to notice…, then explains the rule.

Step 3: Practice

Students finish the exercise on the PowerPoint.

Step 4: Production

Students play a game:…

Teacher will ask a question:…? Students discuss in groups.

Step 5: Summary

Students conclude what they learned. Teacher gives some supplements.

Step 6: Homework

Students need to finish…after class.

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(2) PWP模式

Step 1: Lead in

Teacher shows a video of… on the PowerPoint.

Teacher guides students to review the knowledge…

Step 2: Pre-

Teacher shows a picture of...and asks students to guess what they will learn.

Step 3: While-

1) Extensive reading/listening: Students read/listen to…and find out the main idea

2) Intensive reading/listening: Students read/listen to the text again and answer the questions on the blackboard.

Step 4: Post-

Students play a game:…

Teacher will ask a question:…? Students discuss in groups.

Step 5: Summary

Students conclude what they learned. Teacher gives some supplements.

Step 6: Homework

Students need to finish…after class.

5. Blackboard design


Key points Difficult points



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