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初级项目经理证书 1.Successful Project Management Gain the skills you need to bring projects in on schedule and under budget while achieving results.No matter how complex or extensive the project,you'll know the necessary techniques to organize,plan and control a successful project. Learn how to: Select and evaluate projects using sound criteria Set measurable objectives and determine scope Manage resource requirements and allocation Estimate costs Develop a project plan using a Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) Identify dependencies between tasks Create a project schedule using the Critical Path Method(CPM)and the Program Evaluation and Review Technique(PERT) Control results using project tracking and risk management Track schedule/budget performance using Earned Value Management(EVM).
获取在预算下按项目工期完工的技术,不论是多么复杂和大型的工程,学习一个成功的项目是如何去组织、计划和控制的技能都是必要的。 学员获益: 采用正确的标准去评价和选择项目。 设定可测量的目标和项目范围。 管理项目所需资源并进行分配。 对成本进行估价。 使用WBS制订项目计划。 使用CPM和PERT制订项目工期。 对项目风险进行跟踪和管理以控制结果。 使用EVM跟踪项目工期和预算。 中级项目经理证书 1、Successful Project Management 成功项目管理 2.Leading Project Teams Master the specific skills and techniques you need—and the knowledge of when to use them—to turn a diverse group of professionals into a focused,motivated team to accomplish team goals. Learn how to: Inspire commitment and increase contribution from each team member Identify and foster the characteristics of high-performance teams Align personal goals with the team goal Defuse the politics and personal agendas that destroy trust and team effectiveness.

掌握专业技能及在适当的时候正确运用,把一个具有多元性的团队组织到一起,激励他们团结一致,共同完成项目目标。 学员获益: 识别和培养高水平团队的特性 消除有损信任和团队效益的政治与个人因素 3.Managing Project Risk Risk is inherent to projects,ergo risk project management involves taking a proactive approach to identifying,quantifying,and mitigating both negative or positive risks.Analyze risk to eliminate project“surprises”that seem to inevitably occur. Learn how to: Define risk and identify the types,elements,and factors of risk Identify and analyze the various risk categories Use various risk assessment tools Develop and implement risk responses to risky situations Use a proactive approach to managing project risk Monitor risk controls.

任何一个项目都存在它内在的风险性,因此项目风险管理包括提前识别、找出并减缓这些项目中积极的和消极风险,分析风险使项目人在项目风险不可避免地发生时不会大吃一惊。 学员获益: 明确并识别项目风险的类型、要素和因素。 识别并分析各种各样风险的种类。 学习使用各种风险估价工具。 制定并采用弥补措施以应对风险处境。 在风险管理中运用风险预测工具。 制订应急计划。 对风险控制过程进行监测。 高级项目经理证书 1.Project Human Resource Management 项目人力资源管理 2.Project Risk management 项目风险管理 3、Project Scope Management 项目范围管理 4、Project Time Management 项目时间管理 5、Project Communications Management 项目沟通管理


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