

教案撰写是教师资格面试中必不可少的一个环节。但对于多数考生而言,如何撰写教案并不是特别清楚。小编特意为大家准备了一篇关于《Solar energy teaching plan》的完整教案范例,希望能够给大家提供一定的帮助。

Teaching Aims

Knowledge aim:

Students will know more knowledge about solar energy.

Ability aim:

Through different activities, students will improve their reading and speaking skills.

Emotional aim:

After this lesson, students will have environmental protection awareness and they would like to discuss different topic with their classmates.

Teaching Key and difficult Points

Teaching Key Points:

Students will learn more about solar energy and some new words.

Teaching Difficult Points:Improve their reading skill and horizon their vision

Teaching Procedures

Step 1

Warming-upFree chat:

ask them to talk about new energy for two minutes and then share together.(Small-hydro, wind, modern biomass, geothermal, ocean and so on.)

Step 2

Pre-readingAsk students one question:

Which kind of new energy is the most convenient for us to use?

Step 3

While-readingGlobal readingRead the passage quickly in two minutes and find the main idea.Detailed readingGive students 5 minutes to read this article quickly and answer two questions.

Q1:How much the terrestrial equator perimeter is?

Q2: How much energy could the earth obtain?Use ‘moreover’ and ‘equal to’ to make two new sentences.Read this passage again in 3 minutes and find the problem of solar energy using.

Step 4


1. Listen to the tape and read this article loudly in 5 minutes.

2. Ask students to discuss two questions (5 minutes).

Q1: Why we need to find new type of energy?

Q2: How to save different energy in our daily life?Teacher should give them a guidance and summary of the new energy using and the limited resources in the earth.

Step 5

Summary and homeworkAsk two students to summarize this lesson, and ask them to write a small article about environmental protection, they should also search the answer of “How do people apply new energy in nowadays’ society?” on the internet.

Blackboard DesignTeaching Reflection

